How to calculate revenue projections?


                   To calculate revenue projections, I recommend doing market research in your niche. In order to establish a more accurate calculation. The first step is to estimate how much of your product or services you're going to sell within your desired period of time.  

                   For example, if you are selling books, last year you made 50,000. Due to the holiday season, you're expecting an influx of sales. So, you calculate your new projected revenue to increase by 25 percent. Your new projected revenue would be 62,500 per year.  

                You can find your projected income by multiplying your total estimated sales by how much you charge for each item you sell: Projected income = estimated sales * price of each product or service. Once you have your projected income and your projected expenses, the last step is to subtract your expenses from your income. 


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(Editorial Team, 2021) How To Calculate Revenue Projections | 


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